Federal Legal Aid for Various Injury Types

Federal Employee Legal Aid for Various Injury Types

Aumiller Lomax specializes in assisting federal workers in filing claims for any type of work-related injury. Injuries and illnesses suffered by federal employees while on the job are eligible by law for various types of workers’ compensation. As a federal employee, you have rights protected by federal law that make you eligible for lost wages, medical assistance, and other additional compensative terms. Through our law practice, we represent clients all throughout the country, getting federal employees who are injured or become ill in the workplace the compensation they’re entitled to by law. Our free consultation will allow you to get a better understanding of the benefits you are eligible for.

Types of Injuries Protected by Law for Federal Workers

Federal worker compensation laws cover various types of injuries. Our attorneys are well-versed in federal compensation and will discuss the process with you every step of the way. When facing any legal matter, you want an experienced and knowledgeable attorney on your side. Seeking federal workers’ compensation benefits is no different. If you’ve suffered a physical or psychological injury at work, we advocate for the benefits you are rightfully entitled to. Our team will represent you and your federal employee injury claim. Here are a few examples of injuries that federal workers’ compensation can cover:

  • Neck Injuries – Neck Injuries commonly linger and, if not properly treated, can lead to extensive surgeries.
  • Back Injuries – Back injuries can include anything from the spine, vertebrae, discs, or muscles and can be debilitating, making even a simple movement like sitting down unmanageable.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (and Epicondylitis) – Injuries like these can be brought on by repetitive tasks such as typing. They can severely limit an employee’s production.
  • Shoulder Injuries – From lifting objects to carrying a briefcase or laptop bag, shoulders undergo a great deal of strain from repetitive use.
  • Brain or Head Injuries – Injuries to the brain or head may not show right away and can worsen over time. These types of injuries can cause long-lasting physical and mental effects.
  • Hand and Foot Injuries – Damage to the hands and feet can be the most common workplace injuries resulting in repetitive stress, defective equipment, and other trauma.
  • Lower Extremity Injuries – Injuries to the lower extremities for federal employees can make it hard to get around and perform their duties.
  • Joint Issues – Traumatic incidents and repeatedly sustaining a lot of daily stress at work can cause joints all over the body to suffer painful, debilitating, and lifelong injuries.
  • Repetitive Motion Injuries – Carpal tunnel isn’t the only kind of repetitive motion injury federal workers can suffer. Injuries such as chronic back pain and tendonitis can also limit one’s ability to work.
  • Preexisting Injuries – An injury to an employee does not have to be a new one to be eligible for federal workers’ compensation benefits. If you’ve aggravated an old injury while at work, our federal worker compensation firm can help.
  • Nerve Injuries – We have experience representing clients who have suffered nervous disorder conditions, which can be hard to diagnose.
  • Psychological Injuries – Mental health is equally as important as physical health. Federal workers’ compensation laws cover psychological injuries such as PTSD.
  • Occupational Disease Claims – The Federal Employee Compensation Program compensates employees who develop certain diseases from exposure to hazardous fumes, radiation, toxins, poisons, and particles.

Schedule Award Claims for Permanent Injuries

Injured federal employees who have permanent injuries are commonly eligible to file a schedule award claim in addition to a claim for wage loss compensation through the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA). Federal workplace injury claims may list a request for a schedule award from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) by submitting a CA-7 Claim for Schedule Award accompanied by an impairment rating completed by their physician. The DOL will only rate an impairment after the employee has reached their maximum medical improvement. Compensation is provided for the permanent loss or loss of use of certain body parts and functions. Partial loss or loss of use is compensated on a proportional basis. Our claimants gain the benefit from the assistance of attorneys who specifically focus on obtaining compensation for federal workers through the DOL Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs.

Federal Programs Available for Injury Claims

Your injury or illness might entitle you to compensation through many federal programs. We’ll handle your claim through one of the following programs:

  • Federal Workers Compensation (OWCP) – Federal workers injured in the course of their job can receive compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, and other losses.
  • Federal Disability Retirement – An injury or illness that prevents you from returning to your job may qualify you for federal disability. These benefits, which federal employees can collect even after they secure nonfederal work, are commonly misunderstood.
  • Social Security Disability – Federal and nonfederal employees who suffer from a disability that prevents them from working for a year or more can apply for social security disability benefits.
  • VA Disability – U.S. Armed Forces members who are injured while serving our country can receive monthly monetary benefits and other benefits through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
  • Third-Party Disability – For injuries caused by somebody who is not a coworker, compensation may be available through that third party’s insurer.

We Know the System and Think Outside the Box

If you are a federal employee who is facing a serious case, we can help. Our job is to make the legal process simple for you. We spend plenty of time educating our clients on their rights, responsibilities, and obligations. You can be sure that we will find ways to make the system work to your advantage. Whether you are frustrated by an ongoing wage loss or just frustrated by the process, our lawyers will be understanding and helpful in showing you the options available to you. We are eager to discuss your case during a free initial consultation. Call us today at 856-843-4179.


What Sets Us Apart

  • Over 30 Combined Years Of Experience
  • Providing National & International Services
  • We Focus on Federal Work Injuries