The Importance of Promptly Reporting a Federal Work Injury

A Woman Professional Explaining the Process of Federal Work Injuries in Maryland, USA

Federal Work Injuries, US

Reporting Federal Work Injuries Promptly: Why It’s Crucial

Reporting federal work injuries promptly is not just a bureaucratic mandate but a critical step in ensuring employee safety and well-being. Timely reporting of injuries in the federal workplace allows for hazards to be addressed immediately, preventing further incidents. Beyond that, there are a slew of other benefits stemming from speedy reporting, not the least of which is documenting your injury timeline. At Aumiller Lomax, we’re proud to help clients report incidents quickly and correctly. Our team works with federal workers wherever we find them, even though we are based in the Northeastern region. But no matter where you’re located in the United States, our attorneys are here for you. Learn more about why prompt reporting matters in federal work injury cases.

Cover Your Legal Obligations

Both employees and their employers have legal obligations to cover whenever a federal workplace injury occurs. It is generally desirable for employees to report their injuries within 24 hours of the incident. Accurately reporting injuries is paramount for maintaining correct records, as these documents can be crucial to worker’s compensation claims or lawsuits. Quick reporting also helps to establish that the incident or injury occurred as described.

Ensure the Preservation of Evidence

Immediately reporting a workplace injury means a greater chance of securing evidence supporting your claim. This evidence is invaluable should you decide to pursue a workers’ compensation claim. The initial record provides a point of reference for understanding how the incident occurred.

Prioritized Medical Care

In the hours following a workplace accident, prioritize your own safety and care. You should seek medical treatment immediately, even if you don’t notice any obvious lesions, cuts, or pain. Reporting an injury promptly puts your employer on notice of the incident. You can file advise your supervisor verbally (in person or on the phone), send a text or email (if this is possible), or file a formal incident report or notice of injury. You should ask for a CA-16 (Authorization for Examination and/or Treatment). Even if your employer does not provide you with a CA-16 on request, you should still seek immediate medical care. When you delay medical treatment, you increase your risk of worsened injuries and long-term complications.

Earn Sufficient Compensation

Injured employees are often entitled to compensation. Federal workers can file workers’ compensation claims to cover costs associated with an on-the-job injury. However, these claims are often subject to delays, and waiting to report your incident will only slow down the process further. Filing a report right away will maximize your chances of receiving the following types of compensation:

  • Medical expenses
  • Disability wage compensation
  • Permanent injury compensation (known as a schedule award)

Fight for Your Rights

In addition to getting compensation for your injuries, reporting workplace injuries immediately allows you to effectively fight for your rights. Employers have a duty of care to their employees—one they sometimes overlook. By understanding the importance of swift injury reporting in federal employment, you can protect your rights and ensure a similar incident doesn’t happen to another worker.

Why So Many Fail to Report Federal Work Injuries

Unfortunately, many federal workers in the United States don’t report workplace injuries. This occurs for a variety of reasons, and every case is different. Nevertheless, failure to report means you may miss out on needed compensation. Here are some common reasons why employees don’t report injuries and why you shouldn’t let them stand in your way:

Injuries Are Too Minor

Sometimes, workplace injuries don’t seem too severe. Employees often note small cuts and scratches and decide to seek medical care on their own, never filing an official report. However, even minor injuries should be reported, as they can develop into more serious conditions (such as a simple cut developing an infection). Prompt reporting means you’ll receive the necessary medical attention and have documentation of the incident should your condition worsen.

Fear of Retaliation

Many employees worry if they report an incident, they’ll face retaliation from their boss, or worse, lose their jobs. Thankfully, the law states that employers cannot legally punish employees for fighting for their rights. Reporting an injury should not affect job security, and if it does, the employer may be breaking the law.

Avoiding the Hassle

Too often, employees put off reporting an accident because they’re worried about the hassle. After all, quietly recovering is less stressful than a lengthy claims process, right? But any stress stemming from reporting an injury that seems minor is likely less than the stress created from a denied claim for failure to report. Reporting a claim helps to secure important rights of federal workers. Failing to report a claim timely can damage your ability to recover benefits, and this is more dangerous if your condition is more severe.

How Aumiller Lomax Can Help

Now that you’ve seen the significance of immediate reporting for a federal work injury, it’s time to take action. The attorneys at Aumiller Lomax can help you report your claim, understand the legal process, and gain appropriate compensation. Over the years, we’ve worked with countless clients across the United States, helping them with the following:

  • Understanding the Federal Employees Compensation Act (FECA)
  • Where necessary, securing and reviewing comprehensive reports
  • Navigating workers’ compensation claims
  • Ensuring proper documentation is secured and filed

Contact Our Attorneys Today

Don’t deal with a federal workplace injury alone. The team at Aumiller Lomax is here to help you navigate the legal process and understand your rights. We serve all kinds of federal employees, including postal workers and those employed with the Bureau of Prisons and Veterans Administration. Our experienced attorneys would be glad to consult with you and hear more about your case. Contact us today to start the conversation.